Welcome to my first “Taste Garden” post. It’s an idea I’ve been exploring for a while, and when I realized one of my favorite events, The Northwest Flower and Garden Festival, was just around the corner, I knew it was the right time to roll out this new culinary garden series.
In 2017 I converted my backyard into an edible garden, and it’s been one of the most positive and rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. Goodbye grass, hello containers and mounded beds teeming with fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
That was also the first year I attended the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival, a popular five-day event located in Seattle’s Washington State Convention Center.

I was drawn to the show’s theme: “Taste of Spring” which the official show guide described as “celebrating food, embracing trends in organic and urban gardening, sustainability, culinary experiences, and outdoor living.” Right up my alley!

Now it’s that time of year again, and as the winter hellebores peak and the spring bulbs begin to bloom, my thoughts turn to gardening, and my imagination begins to kick into high gear.
I’m headed back to the festival this week to gather new ideas and inspiration, and I look forward to sharing those highlights with you in an upcoming post.
In the meantime, I’ve selected a few images from that first garden festival. Here’s the 2017 Northwest Garden Festival’s Taste of Spring.