Welcome to our Taste Garden and what a fitting month to begin our new “A to Z” post format. Spring has finally arrived here in the Pacific Northwest, and our edible garden is waking up with signs of life in every corner…fruit blossoms covering our trees and bushes, gentle mason bees hard at work, newly prepped beds rich with compost and ready for planting, seedlings poking their heads up, tenacious perennials bursting through the soil, and the spring harvest gracing our garden and plates.
May is…. getting outside, digging into the dirt again, planting, nurturing, hoping, and dreaming. It’s a new adventure every day, and we invite you to join us on this journey.
Each month we’ll be sharing a full A to Z of garden posts from what’s new in our garden to our favorite finds as we hit the road.
To kick off this month, here’s a little “About Us.”